Portland TangoFest
The Portland Tango Festival is taking a break in 2024
stay tuned for 2025 Festival plans!
Keep in touch, more will be revealed
We’re working hard on re-defining the Festival, recruiting help, and raising funds in order to bring you the best Portland Tango Festival we can! We have decided to take a break in 2024 to allow time for this process, so stay tuned for news about the 2025 Festival plans. Other folks in Portland will probably organize other events this fall, so join the Portland Tango Google Group mailing list and keep an eye on the Portland Tango Calendar to hear about other tango opportunities in Portland this year.

Welcome to Portland, the City of Roses! From beautiful Washington Park and the Japanese Gardens to the many hiking and biking trails, Fall is an exceptional time to be here!
There are a myriad of activities to enjoy! In your packet you will find a QR card to direct you to “everything Portland.”, including attractions, events, transportation, places to dine and tax-free shopping opportunities.
www.travelportland.com will also provide you with a more detailed description of the above.
Enjoy the festival and have a great time exploring!